An unfortunate event...
And so it becomes.
All must have heard about the incident with dvp and a CBEPX a few days ago.We are very sorry to say and it hurts us sincerely that about an hour ago CBEPX has past away, after being in a coma for 3 days.
Our sincere feelings and regrets for this terrible accident and we wish nothing but the best possible strenght to all those involved, friends and family.Ofcourse this incident brought a lot of attention and emotions to many people around and therefore an explanation is desired.
We would like to bring attention to the fact that this incident was in NO WAY related to ANY KIND OF GAME ISSUES!
What happened was a huge tragedy and everybody is hurt by this. We all grieve for what happened and therefore we ask nothing but respect for the situation and we ask people to keep their emotions under control.
The story itself.
There was a meeting where dvp was invited as always when he comes to visit Moscow. All evening was nice and friendly but due to a little too much alcohol a dispute happened because of some real life jokes that got out of hand. There was a physical encounter outside where to our deepest sorrow CBEPX got hurt in an inrecoverable way.We can’t be sure on the exact cause of the accident due to very different declarations of witnesses but it is no matter for anybody here right now, because what happened is something that nobody wanted... There was no intention to murder; there was no intention to break up people their lives. All we can say is that it was a terrible accident due to a stupid little dispute that got out of hand.
We do sincerely hope all can keep their emotions under control and most important of all keep this out of game! People their lives are hurt and forever scarred and there's no excuse or solution to what happened, but please take this a huge life lesson about how easy all can change if you don’t control yourself.
We ask everybody to refrain from making any further threats or discussions about this. And I beg of everybody here to refrain from posting flames and trashtalk for (case) many people close to CBEPX and dvp are hurt deeply. We can all understand emotions and shock are here. But nobody wanted this... We ALL feel deeply affected by this and our hearts go with the ones involved...
Rather say your kind words for the people left behind...
A request to the moderator to remove any post/reply that contains trashtalk. Keep this post as a last respect for a person who left us...In all of this, there was no Twilight and there was no RedSquad… There were humans…
Rest in Peace, CBEPX
(c) MauluZ
Rest in Peace, СВЕРХ.